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Male Infertility: Sources, Treatment and Prevention

Being diagnosed with infertility can be one of the worst moments in a man’s life. It can affect your life in every aspect and for some people it can be shattering. Not being able to father a child can make a guy feel like he’s failing at one of his primal duties.

While researching statistics on the matter, we found some shocking numbers. About 13 out of 100 couples can’t get pregnant at all, while Infertility affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples and in over a third of the cases the problem is with the man. Some more data say that today it is believed that in 1 case out of 2 the difficulty in obtaining a pregnancy depends on male reproductive problems, while male infertility affects 7% of men and more and more young people.

Male infertility corresponds to a reduced reproductive capacity of man, explained as a low sperm production or anomalies in the quality of products spermatozoa. The infertility of a sexually active couple is ascertained when a couple cannon conceive for a period more than one year of free and unprotected sex. But despite the given diagnosis, most of the couples are not 100 % infertile, as we will discover below. In men, we speak of primary infertility when he has never induced a pregnancy before, and secondary infertility when the man has already induced a pregnancy before, so yes, even though a male person has conceived a baby before, there is still the possibility that the infertility problem is with him.

What are the causes of male infertility?

Male infertility can have different causes and scientific research is still investigating some unclear causes.

  • Genetic causes: the cause of a reduced production of sperm is generally an imperfect development of the testicles. This type of defect occurs in the fetus, due to a probable genetic predisposition associated with exposure to toxic environmental factors. Another genetic cause is cryptorchidism, which literally means hidden or obscure testis and generally refers to an undescended or maldescended testis.
  • Uro-seminal infections: the inflammatory and infective conditions of the seminal pathways can damage the spermatozoa, the seminal channels, the prostate and the seminal vesicles due to the presence of germs and white blood cells.
  • Fever: a febrile episode can interfere with the reproductive capacity for 60-180 days.
  • Heat sources: too tight polyester pants can increase the temperature in the genital area and affect fertility.
  • Epididymitis: is an acute or chronic inflammation of the epididymis, an organ placed behind the testis important for the production of seminal fluid
  • Anti -sperm antibodies: their presence reduces the fertilizing capacity of the sperm and can hinder its transit in the female genital tracts.
  • Erectile dysfunction: erectile dysfunction related to 5% of infertility cases.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Papillomavirus, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia can cause infertility.
  • Drugs: anti-cancer drugs, those for the treatment of hypertension or high cholesterol (dyslipidemia) are a risk factor.
  • Surgery: the surgical treatments of the genitourinary system, inguinal hernias or the demolition ones following neoplasia can modify, even irreversibly, the male reproductive capacity.
  • Traumas: testicular traumas and twists can affect their functionality.
  • Sperm Abnormalities: Sperm can be considered abnormal for two possible reasons: unusually short life span of the sperm and/or low mobility.
  • Lifestyle: tobacco or cannabis smoke damages the DNA integrity of the sperm and reduces its number and motility. Other risk factors are sedentary, overweight, obesity, poor diet, alcohol intake and drugs.
  • Environmental risks: pesticides, solvents, plastics, paints, electromagnetic radiation can reduce fertility.

What are the symptoms of male infertility?

Generally, the conditions that lead to male infertility do not have specific symptoms, or have very vague ones, depending on the cause of infertility, that usually go unnoticed until a man tries to conceive.


Even though infertility is very hard for men, if you are under 35 and trying to conceive without success for a year you should see your doctor because for most of the cases there are remedies and cures. Once you go to the doctor the spermiogram (sperm test) is the main exam for the evaluation of sperm and spermatozoa. It allows to evaluate the volume, the pH, the concentration, the morphology, the motility, the viscosity, the leukocytes, the spermatogenic cells, infections in progress etc. Other examinations include:  Bacteriological examination, Prostate-vesicular ultrasound, Genetic analysis: the karyotype allows a blood sample to detect any chromosomal abnormalities of the individual, Testicular biopsy: to evaluate the functionality of the seminiferous tubules and to intercept occult tumor forms.

How is male infertility treated?

Medical therapies are particularly effective when treating male infertility. The absence of spermatozoa in the semen does not necessarily mean that they are not produced at all. Male infertility is most often treated by conventional methods. When the cases are treatable, the most common medication are sperm supplements. FERTILPRO is an all-natural semen supplement that uses a blend of natural herbs, amino acids and vitamins to naturally boost sperm production and ejaculate volume. It’s special complete formula helps to solve the three factors that affect male fertility (Abnormal sperms, Low sperms count, Low motility).

Normally drugs or supplements should be combined with a healthy lifestyle, which includes more exercise, a healthy diet, no smoking, 0 alcohol and drugs consumption plus a calm psychological state.

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